Description: Services:
Dependency and Neglect (child abuse)
Juvenile Delinquency
Domestic Relations
Adoption, Truancy, Probate, Mental Health, and Paternity
Mission Statement: The mission of the Office of the Child’s Representative (OCR) is to provide effective legal representation to Colorado’s children involved in the court system because they have been abused and neglected, impacted by high-conflict parenting time disputes, or charged with delinquent acts and without a parent able to provide relevant information to the court or protect their best interests during the proceedings. As a state agency, the OCR is accountable to the State of Colorado to achieve this mission in the most cost-efficient manner without compromising the integrity of services or the safety and well-being of children. The OCR is committed to ensuring that its attorneys provide these children, Colorado’s most vulnerable and marginalized population in the courts, the best legal services available to protect and promote their safety and well-being and to have their voice heard throughout all aspects of a case.
Many attorneys that assist low income person(s), charge on a sliding fee schedule. For that reason we have added the latest federal poverty levels below so that you can see how much you may be charged if you use this attorney.
Federal Poverty level chart