District 10 Pro Bono Project

Bloomington, IN 47407
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Quick Summary

PO Box 8382
Bloomington, IN 47407
Phone Number
(812) 339-3610
Fax Number
(812) 339-3624

District 10 Pro Bono Project Description

Description: To Apply For Services:
    Call (812) 339-3610 every Monday between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM
    Between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM on Thursday
    Walk-in clinic every Friday called "Counsel in the Court," for people with a family law problem in Monroe County from 10 AM and 12:30 PM

We do financial intakes during these hours when we can be sure to have volunteer law students available to talk with you by phone.

Unfortunately, we do not have a full-time receptionist, so we can’t always guarantee that you’ll be able to talk to a live operator if you call during our regular business hours of Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.

    Your income must be at or less than 125% of the federal poverty level, except for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy which is at or under 150%.
    Your case must be in one of the counties we serve.
    Your case must be civil, not criminal.
    Your case’s deadline or hearing must be more than 30 days away.
    You do not have to live in a county we serve, but your case must be in one of the counties we serve.

Please be aware that, even when an applicant meets all of the criteria to qualify for assistance, that does not automatically guarantee we will be able to find an attorney who is willing to take the case for free. For a variety of reasons, some cases are more difficult to place than others and attorneys are not obligated to accept cases from us. Also, finding volunteer attorneys takes time, so we cannot handle emergencies or cases with hearings or deadlines in less than thirty days.  You are welcome to attend one of our clinics to get help in the meantime.

Mission Statement: The Wabash Valley Survivors Legal Assistance program provides legal support to survivors of domestic violence who cannot afford an attorney. We provide legal advice, legal assistance, and in some cases legal representation for people experiencing domestic violence. We partner with the Terre Haute-based Council on Domestic Abuse (CODA), Clay County Family Support Services, and other local domestic violence resources. We also do some direct intake.

Many attorneys that assist low income person(s), charge on a sliding fee schedule. For that reason we have added the latest federal poverty levels below so that you can see how much you may be charged if you use this attorney.

Federal Poverty level chart
Household    2024 Coverage
1 $15,060
2 $20,440
3 $25,820
4 $31,200
5 $36,580
6 $41,960
7 $47,340
8 $52,720


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