Description: Protection and Advocacy (P&A) System for the state of Rhode Island, created by Congress, existing in every state and territory, to help secure and advance the rights of people with disabilities.
Protection and advocacy for individuals with developmental disabilities (padd) program
Protection and advocacy for individuals with mental illness (paimi) program
Protection and advocacy for individual rights (pair) program
Client assistance program (cap)
Protection and advocacy for assistive technology (paat) program.
Protection and advocacy for individuals with traumatic brain injury (patbi) program
Protection and advocacy for voting accessibility (pava) program
Protection and advocacy for beneficiaries of social security (pabss) program
Strengthening protections for social security beneficiaries (representative payee) program
Mission Statement: DRRI's mission is to assist Rhode Islanders with differing abilities in their efforts to achieve full inclusion in society and to exercise their civil and human rights through the provision of legal advocacy.
Many attorneys that assist low income person(s), charge on a sliding fee schedule. For that reason we have added the latest federal poverty levels below so that you can see how much you may be charged if you use this attorney.
Federal Poverty level chart